Prof. Zonghoon Lee’s Atomic-Scale Electron Microscopy Lab
Prof. Zonghoon Lee’s Atomic-Scale Electron Microscopy Lab
We characterize the structure and EELS/EDS spectroscopy of new materials with aberration-corrected TEM/STEM at the atomic scale. And we conduct advanced characterization methods such as low dose imaging and single atomic analysis for low dimensional materials, aberration corrections and image-spectroscopy simulations, which require quantitative analysis for TEM images and spectroscopic results.
Titan³ G2 60-300 is a world leading transmission electron microscopy which is equipped with monochromated high brightness field emission gun, double Cs correctors and high speed spectroscopy. Even in a low operation voltage 80 kV, spatial resolution of 0.65 Å can be achieved for distinguishing individual light atoms with high sensitivity. The monochromated electron source also provides high energy resolution for electron energy loss spectroscopy with high speed Quantum GIF. This can be utilized for analysis of the fine electron structure and bonding of advanced materials. This instrument offers high resolution imaging, chemical analysis, structural analysis at atomic scale with combing high spatial resolution TEM and STEM capabilities.